Wed 19 Feb 2025 - 20 Shaban 1446AH
Wed 19 Feb 2025 - 20 Shaban 1446AH

1             Welcome


1.1          Greenwich Islamic Centre (GIC) warmly welcomes hirers and their guests. If you have any queries about this agreement, or require any assistance, please contact the GIC Office.


1.2          Call to prayer: Greenwich Islamic Centre (GIC) is a religious building, the call to prayer (adhan) is broadcast over the speaker system shortly before each prayer. GIC Events Office can advise if your booking is at one of these times.


2             Facilities for hire





Capacity (number of people)




note: depends on layout






GIC New Basement

15m x 23m







GIC Youth Centre

9m x 10m



GIC Top Floor

12.5m x 8.5m



GIC Old basement

12m x 7.5m




For details of possible hall and room configurations, please contact the GIC Office.


2.2          Facilities may be booked, subject to availability, for a minimum of 4 hours for the halls, and a minimum of 2 hours for other rooms. A reduced rate is given for bookings of 6 hours or more.


2.3          The GIC Concourse is not available for hire. No tables, stalls, banners, leaflets, publications, advertisements or other items can be placed or distributed there, unless it is agreed by the GIC in writing beforehand.


3             Booking packs


3.1          A booking pack is available from the GIC Office. Forms and policies can also be downloaded from our website. You can make enquiries about hiring our facilities in person or by telephone; please ask for the GIC Office.


3.2          The booking pack gives background information about the facilities and details of the capacity and size of the rooms available for hire.


4             Booking procedure


4.1          Bookings must be made using the official booking form.


4.2          The booking form can be submitted by fax, post, email or handed in to the GIC Office.

Acceptance of the booking form does not imply acceptance of the booking.


4.3          Bookings will not be accepted from persons less than 18 years of age.


4.4          The booking form must disclose full details of the proposed use, including:


  • the purpose of the booking, including subject matter covered, and details of any fundraising that will take place;


  • all speakers, whether speaking live at the event or via a live link or via a pre-recording;


  • all partners in the booking;


  • all sponsors for the booking;


  • the audience for the booking, and whether attendees have to pay any fee.


Bookings are granted based on the details provided by the hirer, and may be refused or later cancelled by the GIC if details given are inaccurate, incomplete or misleading (see section 6).



4.5          The GIC may, if it deems necessary, request additional information.


4.6          The booking form must be accompanied by any proposed publicity materials.


4.7          The GIC reserves the right to refuse or cancel any booking, including those that:


  • may present a threat to public disorder


  • may promote or incite hatred or violence against others


  • may risk alienating the GIC’s beneficiaries or supporters


  • may bring the GIC into disrepute


  • may cause offence to other users or disrupt other activities of the GIC


  • may breach the GIC Equality & Diversity Policy


  • may breach the GIC Event and Speakers Policy


The GIC does not have to give any reason for refusing a booking.


4.8          Provisional booking: a booking will be provisionally approved only after the GIC has received and approved all the details of the booking, including proposed publicity materials, and agreed to allow it to proceed. The hirer will be informed in writing. The booking will be considered provisional until confirmed by the GIC subject to the conditions laid out in 4.10.


The details submitted must include all proposed speakers, whether in person or remote live link or pre-recorded, and the topics on which they will speak. The GIC may, at its own discretion, require changes to the speakers, topics or publicity materials before granting provisional approval.


A provisional booking may be set aside if another hirer is able to make a confirmed booking.


4.9          A provisional booking will only be given if the publicity materials are approved. The GIC reserves the right to require that publicity materials are changed or withdrawn. Publicity materials must not be used or put in the public domain in any form until approved by the GIC.


4.10       Confirmed booking: a provisional booking will only be confirmed once the initial payment (see 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3) has been received.


4.11       In the event of any variation of use by the hirer or failure to comply with the requirement of full disclosure, the GIC reserves the right to cancel the booking, which will still be liable to any retention (see 6.7).


5             Prices and Payments


5.1          The GIC will invoice for all hire charges and related costs.


5.2          An initial payment of 50% of the total cost must be paid before a booking can be confirmed. For bookings less than 28 days before the required date, 100% of the total cost must be paid.


5.3          If the initial payment is made by cheque, the booking will not be confirmed until the cheque has cleared the GIC bank account. For payments through BACS, a remittance form is required verifying payment to the GIC before the booking can be confirmed.


5.4          The remaining balance must be paid at least 28 days before the date that has been booked.


5.5          Prices include the GIC’s basic tables and chairs, subject to availability. These must be requested in advance on the booking form.


5.6          Room hire costs (minimum 2 hours):



Hourly rate

Hourly rate



(3+ hours)




Youth Centre






Old Basement






Top Floor








5.7          Hall hire costs (minimum 2 hours):

































Hourly rate


Hourly rate

Hourly rate

Hourly rate






(3+ hours)



(3+ hours)























GIC Main Prayer Hall




















GIC New basement










GIC Old Prayer Hall












*AV package price including standard audio-video facilities (excluding technician)


5.8          Additional items and services for hire:


Data Projector






50” Plasma Screen


Hot water urn


Tea & Coffee

£0.80 per head


£1.00 per bottle


£1.20 per carton


£3.00 per tray

Technician / camera operator

£25 per hour

Support staff for setting up

£10 per hour


5.9          Hall hire deposit: a deposit of £750 is required for hire of the halls, which must be paid at least 14 days before the date that has been booked.


The deposit will be returned to you, less any penalty charges (see 5.10), no more than 21 days after the date that has been booked. If the penalty charges exceed the amount of the deposit, you will be invoiced for the balance. The payment will normally be made by BACS transfer, to the person who made the deposit unless he/she indicates otherwise, using the form given at the time of booking.


5.10       Penalty charges: you will be charged for:


  • damage (see 8.1 and 8.2)


  • additional cleaning our support staff have to undertake which should have been done by the caterer (see 7.3 and 7.4)


  • finishing after the end time as agreed on the booking form (see 11)


  • other costs incurred by the GIC as a result of any breach of contract by the hirer


Penalty charges will be deducted from the deposit. If the penalty charges exceed the amount of the deposit, you will be invoiced for the difference.


5.11       Due to the availability of our staff and/or commitments to other hirers, you may not be permitted to finish after the agreed time. Where you do finish after the agreed time, you will be charged at the full hourly rate for each hour or part thereof.




6             Cancellation


6.1          The GIC reserves the right to cancel bookings if the facilities are rendered unfit for the intended use.


6.2          The GIC reserves the right to cancel bookings that subsequently vary from what is agreed in the associated booking form or approved publicity materials.


6.3          The GIC Events staff may halt the use of the facilities on the day if they deem that the hirer has varied from what was agreed in the associated booking form or approved publicity materials, or if they believe there has been or could be a breach of the conditions laid out in 4.7.


6.4          In the event of any cancellation or termination of the hiring no liability shall fall upon the GIC, or any officer of the GIC, in respect of any loss sustained or expenses incurred by the hirer, or any other person, as result thereof.


6.5          If the hirer cancels after the booking has been confirmed by the GIC, the hirer shall be liable to the GIC for any costs, expenses and losses incurred by the GIC. Depending on when the notice of cancellation is received, a percentage of the total charge will be retained by the GIC (see 6.7).


6.6          Cancellations or terminations will only be accepted in writing, and deemed effective upon receipt by the GIC Office.


6.7          Retentions by GIC




After confirmation by the GIC

50% of the total cost



Within 14 days of the booked date

90% of the total cost




Community Rooms, Meeting Rooms and Seminar Room



After confirmation by the GIC

20% of the total cost



Within 14 days of the booked date

50% of the total cost




6.8          Refunds of charges, less any retention, will be made within 21 days of cancellation.


7             Catering and cleaning


7.1          Caterers: If you wish to use a caterer, the GIC requires valid certificates for their:


  • Health & safety


  • Food & hygiene


  • Public liability.


These documents must be submitted before the approval of the event. The GIC may decide not to give approval for the caterer, and does not have to give reasons for withholding approval.


7.2          The hirer must ensure the caterer clears away any waste food, drink and other items. Sealed black dustbin bags must be used, and placed in the GIC’s bins in the GIC Yard.


7.3          The hirer must ensure the caterer cleans any spillages.


7.4          Oil and other waste must not be poured down sinks or into drains.


8             Damage, Decoration and Advertising


8.1          The hirer shall not cause or permit any person connected with the hiring to drive any nails, screws or other fixings into the walls or floors or into any furniture or fittings, or permit to be done anything likely to cause damage to the building or any such furniture or fittings.


8.2          The hirer shall repay to the GIC on demand, the cost of reinstating or replacing any part of the premises or any property, whatsoever, belonging to the GIC in or upon the premises, which shall be damaged, destroyed, stolen or removed during the period of hiring.


8.3          The hirer shall not display and shall ensure that no other person displays any advertisements relating to the hiring by affixing the same to or utilizing the support of a lamp-post, guard rail, electricity relay box or any other item of street furniture except with the prior written consent of the council in charge.


9             Ventilation in halls


9.1          The halls in the GIC have a fresh air ventilation system that heats and cools. As with any mechanical system, it is possible that it may stop working. In such circumstances, the GIC will not be held liable.


9.2          In exceptionally hot weather, then the outside temperature exceeds 28°C, the system may not be able to bring the inside temperature down to preferred levels. In such circumstances, the GIC will not be held liable.


10           Electrical Installations


10.1       All electrical equipment brought into the building shall comply with the Electricity at Work Regulations, 1989. The GIC disclaims all responsibility for all claims and costs arising out of such equipment that does not so comply.


10.2       Lights are regularly tested by the GIC Team. Occasionally, light bulbs or light units may fail or develop a fault. In such circumstances, the GIC will not be held liable.


11           Amplified Sound and Music


11.1       Hirers and organizers of activities in the GIC are responsible for ensuring that their noise levels do not disturb other activities within the building.


11.2       Please note that strictly no music, live or recorded, or any musical instruments are permitted in any part of the GIC irrespective of the type of activity.


12           Dress code


12.1       The GIC is a religious building, hirers should ensure that all guests are dressed modestly. More detailed guidance is available from the GIC Office.


12.2       Shorts are not allowed for either men or women.


12.3       See through/revealing and low cut clothing is not permitted.


12.4       Visiting the Mosque: non-Muslims guests wishing to visit the Mosque should do so only by arrangement with the GIC Office. Shoes must be taken off at the entry point. Women should wear a headscarf; scarves are available from the GIC Office.


13           Food and Drink


13.1       The consumption of alcoholic drinks is strictly forbidden. No alcoholic drinks should be brought into the GIC.


13.2       All food brought into the GIC or consumed therein must be Halal.


13.3       Chewing gum is not allowed in the GIC.


14           Health and Safety


14.1       Hall hirers, guests and members of the public obliged at all times to fully comply with the GIC Health

  • Safety Policy; a copy is available on request. 14.2   It is illegal to smoke anywhere in the GIC.

14.3       Vaping/E-cigarettes may not be used anywhere in the GIC.


14.4       No candles or incense sticks may be used in the GIC.




15           Gambling


15.1       No gambling is allowed in the GIC.


16           Lewd or Offensive Activities/Behavior


16.1       No lewd or offensive behavior or activities are permitted in the GIC.


17           Respect for GIC staff


17.1       The GIC Team will try their utmost to ensure your booking is successful. If you require any assistance or need information, they will endeavor to help.


17.2       Please ensure that you and your guests respect instructions given by the GIC Team and other GIC staff, as it is their responsibility to maintain the proper and safe running of the GIC for all users.


18           Signage


18.1       No signs, posters, banners or similar shall be attached to any wall or other part of the GIC without the approval of the GIC Office.


18.2       Where permission has been granted for placing signage, it should be fixed in the manner allowed by the GIC Office, and removed at the end of the booking.


19           Permission to Film and/or Broadcast


19.1       The hirer shall not film or broadcast at any time in any part of GIC without the prior permission of the GIC.


20           Emergency Procedures


20.1       The hirer must comply with the GIC’s Emergency Procedures. If the evacuation warning is sounded, everyone should leave the building immediately, as directed by the GIC staff. No one should return inside until GIC staff give permission for re-entry.


21           Insurance


21.1       The GIC has arranged public liability insurance for the benefit of those who hire any part of the GIC under these terms. This insurance is provided automatically, but if the hirer prefers to arrange additional cover the GIC has no objections. The insurance afforded by the policy is not limited to claims arising under the indemnity given by the hirers to the GIC. The insurance does not give cover for claims arising otherwise than in connection with the hirer’s use of the GIC’s facilities.


21.2       The hirer shall ensure that any contractor (including caterers) employed in relation to the booking, shall carry suitable and sufficient insurance relevant to the activity for which they are they are employed including appropriate Employers’ Liability Insurance.


22           Statutory Requirements


22.1       The Hirer will comply with statutory requirements including without limitation to any Health and Safety legislation current at the date of the booking especially in respect of the operation of any equipment which is brought into the GIC and the preparation and serving of any food in the GIC. The hirer will also comply with GIC safety requirements in operation at the time of the booking.


23           Termination


23.1       If for reasons beyond the control of the GIC (the GIC having used all reasonable endeavours to avoid the same) it is necessary for the GIC to close all or part of the building or cancel the booking, the GIC may (without prejudice to the rights and remedies of either party in respect of any prior breach by the other) terminate this Agreement upon reasonable prior notice (which shall be no less than 48 hours save in the case of emergency when as much notice as is reasonably possible will be given) to that effect to the hirer and in that event the GIC shall unless there has been a breach of any of the conditions of this Agreement return the due proportion of the amount paid for the use of the Accommodation but the hirer and other persons attending the booking shall have no further claim whatsoever against the GIC in respect of such termination of the Agreement. See also section 6.

23.2       In any event and notwithstanding anything in this Agreement the GIC will not be liable to the hirer, its guest, employees, agents or contractors for any consequential, special, or indirect loss, loss of business profits or contracts or loss of reputations to the hirer in the event of cancellation of the function or termination of this Agreement by the GIC.


24           English Law


24.1       This Agreement shall be governed by English Law and the parties hereby submit to the jurisdiction of the English Courts.


25           Statutory Rights


25.1       This Agreement creates no binding relationship between the parties hereto in relation to further booking nor confers on the hirer any Statutory rights under the Landlord and Tenants Acts.


26           Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999


26.1       Notwithstanding any other provisions herein contained noting in this Agreement for Hire confers or purports to confer any right to enforce any of its terms pursuant to the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 on any person who is not party hereto.

By signing the Hirer agrees to be bound by the terms of this policy, and to abide by the GIC Event and Speakers Policy, by the GIC Health & Safety Policy, by the GIC Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy, and by the GIC Equality & Diversity Policy (all available on request).


Signed on behalf of the Hirer by


Signed ………………………………………………….


Name…………………………………………………… (Authorized for and on behalf of the Hirer)





Signed on behalf of the GIC




Signed …………………………………………………..







What Is Hajj In Islam?

Hajj is a sacred pilgrimage that is required of every Muslim at least once in their lifetime – it is one of the five pillars of Islam. Each year, millions of Muslims from across the world travel to and perform Hajj in Makkah, modern day Saudi Arabia.

The sacred pilgrimage of Hajj is comprised of a series of rites and rituals – some in order – that provide a spiritual, emotional, and physical challenge for the pilgrim. For example, a pilgrim can expect to walk between 5km-15km per day, as Hajj requires some travel between several locations in and around the vicinity of Makkah. Much of the pilgrimage takes place at the Masjid al-Haram, where the Kaaba is located.

Hajj is a spiritual duty and a pillar of Islam, and for many, it is a once in a lifetime event. Going more than once during your lifetime is permitted whilst sincerely seeking Allah’s (SWT) (which means ‘The Most Glorified, The Most High) pleasure.

What is Sawm?

Sawm is the Arabic term used to describe the act of fasting. Passed the age of puberty, Muslims are required to fast during the month of Ramadan, which entails abstaining from food, drink, sexual relations and displeasing speech and behaviour from dawn until dusk.

Why is Sawm important?

The month of Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and includes the night in which the holy Qur’an was first revealed to mankind, known as Laylat al-Qadr (the night of decree). The month of Ramadan therefore marks an important moment for mankind and requires special devotion from Muslims.

What is Zakat?

Zakat (zakaat, zakah), or almsgiving, is one of the five pillars of Islam. This means that Zakat is mandatory for Muslims, along with the other four sacred pillars of Islam. For every sane, adult Muslim who owns wealth over a certain amount – known as the Nisab – he or she must pay 2.5% of that wealth as Zakat.

Eligible Muslims pay Zakat once a year, and it is due as soon as one lunar (Islamic) year has passed since meeting or exceeding the Nisab (certain amount of wealth). The Zakat of every Muslim is then distributed to those who meet the criteria to receive it.

What is Salah (salat)?

Salah (salat) is the Arabic term for the ritual prayer that is obligatory for Muslims to perform five times a day. It forms one of the five pillars of Islam.


What are the 5 salat of Islam?



This takes place at pre-dawn


This takes place just after the sun reaches its zenith


This takes place between noon and sunset


This takes place just after sunset


This takes place during the night/at night-time


Aside from the five obligatory prayers, Muslims may offer Sunnah and Nafl Salah.

The Sunnah Salah (prayers) are ones in which the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to habitually offer as voluntary worship at specified times and places.

Nafl Salah are voluntary prayers that a Muslim may offer at any time as a form of extra Ibadah (worship).

What is the Shahada?

The Shahada (shahadah) is the Arabic term for the declaration of faith in one God (Allah) and His messenger.

What does the Shahada mean?

Transliteration: Ash-hadu an la ilaha illa Allah, Wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulu-Allah.”

Translation:  I bear witness that there is no God but God (Allah – i.e. there is none worthy of worship but Allah), and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”

It is the most sacred statement in Islam, and must be recited with full understanding and mindfulness of it’s meaning.

Fill the form to join us as a volunteer

All Volunteers must complete this form before any voluntary work at Greenwich Islamic Centre & Woolwich Mosque


Fill the form to register on GIC Scout

To book a nikaah with our Imams you need to complete the request form below​​​

Nikah From

Please fill up this form to contact our Imam

Please fill up this form for your booking confirmation

Hall Booking